Friday, 23 December 2011

Why it is important

This region is a biodiversity hotspot due to high flora and fauna diversity, Declared Rare and Priority flora, Declared, Threatened and Priority Listed Fauna and unique vegetation communities restricted to Banded Ironstone Formation (BIF) ranges.

The Helena and Aurora Range is one of the more significant biodiversity assets in WA. However, other ranges in the Mount Manning Region, including the Die Hardy Range & Yorkradine Hills, the Windarling Range, the Jackson Range and the Koolyanobbing Range, also have very high environmental significance but the majority of these are now also home to large mining companies and exploration drilling. As BIF ranges are important to maintain the genetic diversity within populations of endemic rare flora and to allow survival during periods of adverse climate, it is important that we take action to prevent the Helena & Aurora range from being dug up and put on the back of a boat and sent overseas.

The entire Mount Manning Reserve has exceptionally high landscape diversity, including interconnected intact sandplain, woodland and salt lake habitats of critical importance for fauna and flora that are not represented in other reserves.

Since the Koolyanobbing mine expansion was approved, it has become apparent that further mining of BIF ranges of highest conservation significance in the Mount Manning Reserve region is likely to result in major impacts to BIF species and communities. Therefore, we should do all we can in order to stop all of these ranges from being destroyed.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on setting up this blog site Laura - I'm sure it will help in protecting this beautiful part of WA from the ravages of the mining boom.
